Tag Archives: True Facts

The Power of Thank you Revisited

A little while back I reported on Laura Trice’s TED talk about the importance and power of thank you, of validation. Delivered right a thank you looks really simple but as with all very true facts it appears so simple yet is often so hard to attain. This talk is a very good demonstration of what it teaches, look at the ease with which Ms. Trice walks the talk at the end. I personally don’t know many people who can blow you away with a simple thank you like she did.

Today another video came across my desk that actually caused me to revisit Ms. Trice’s talk. It delivers the same message in form of a short film and be prepared to be moved…

The Power of “Thank You!”

The intro to Laura Trice’s TED talk calls it deceptively simple but like with all very “true facts” it appears so simple yet is often extremely hard to attain. This talk is a perfect example, just look at the ease with which Ms. Trice walks the talk at the end. I don’t know many people who can blow you away with a simple thank you like she did.