Tag Archives: sensation

Violins and hot chicks

I reported about the violinist Vanessa Mae in the past and just have to revisit the subject now that another YouTube sensation has crossed my 32-inch monitor (yes, I am using an HD TV as my day-to-day monitor instead of investing in some reading glasses).

If you haven’t clicked through to the other link yet, here is what I mean when I say Vanessa Mae…

And then we have the bubbly Lindsey Stirling who combines violin play with a very unique type of dancing. I am just blown away by how you can hop around so wildly and then play the violin without missing a beat…

She seems to be a real member of the new YouTuber crowd, offering something worth spending your time on and maintaining a light and fluffy communication with the fans. I like it when an artist understands that this friendly contact is way better than being aloof.