(For historical context – this was written sometime around 2007.)
It is a few months now that I work myself through Haanel’s Master Key System, and it has been a very interesting trip.
Many of you know by now the idea of the “Law of Attraction,” made very popular through the movie “The Secret.” This movie, released just a few years ago, created the impression that this law of attraction was something brand new – not quite so! It is commendable that the movie brought the idea to a lot more people than Haanel’s book would have ever done, but this book pre-dates the movie by nearly a century.
The book is a series of weekly transmissions, or lessons, to the student. Principles of changing your world are introduced, then followed by an exercise to be done during the following week.
If you are used to just consume knowledge and wisdom by being impressed by some writer or movie maker then this is not the right venue. This is a book written in a language that you have to get into to understand. In my mind, it seems to reflect the fact that education a century ago appears to have been better, that people were able to understand more involved written concepts. There has been no effect of the tube yet – it had not yet been invented.
But if you are eager to get more than a fleeting WOW! then this is the right book to work through. If you really work with a subject it just sticks better.
My book goes with me all the time, just in case I have some time to read or re-read something – and it shows…