Today I started reading the book “The Art of Non-Conformity” and right there on the first page. Not that I wanted to stand out! – No Way!
But reading a book on how to do things are often a good source of ‘How to do the opposite.’
And right there on the first few pages I find invaluable information, that I just had to share.
11 Ways to be Unremarkably Average
- Accept what people toll you at face value.
- Don’t question authority.
- Go to college because you’re supposed to, not because you wont to learn something.
- Go overseas once or twice In your life, to somewhere safe like England.
- Don’t try to learn another language; everyone else will eventually learn English.
- Think about starting your own business, but never do it.
- Think about writing a book, but never do it.
- Get the largest mortgage you qualify for and spend 30 years paying for it.
- Sit at a desk 40 hours a week for an average of 10 hours of productive work.
- Don’t stand out or draw attention to yourself.
- Jump through hoops, Check off boxes.
There you have it!